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Habitat for Humanity of Tompkins & Cortland Counties - Open House


PO Box 4683 Ithaca NY 14850

Habitat for Humanity of Tompkins & Cortland Counties is holding an open application period til April 15th 2021.
Join us Saturday March 13th at 10:00 am for an "Open House" (outdoors, physically distanced) at White Hawk Ecovillage, White Hawk Lane, Ithaca. Representatives from both Habitat for Humanity of Tompkins & Cortland Counties and White Hawk Ecovillage will be available to answer your questions, offer tours of the property, etc. This is the perfect opportunity to learn if living at White Hawk is right for you!

WVBR is a local commercial radio station broadcasting from Ithaca, New York to the Counties of Tompkins, Tioga, Cortland, Cayuga, Seneca, Schuyler, and Chemung. WVBR is run by the Cornell Media Guild, Inc - a non-profit student organization that is independent and not funded nor managed by Cornell University. Our mission is to preserve local media and act as a training ground for the future generation. All views represented by our contributors solely reflect their own views, and are not necessarily endorsed by WVBR or Cornell Media Guild.

Cornell Media Guild is a registered student organization of Cornell University.

© Cornell Media Guild, Inc. 

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604 E Buffalo St.
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 273-4000

Designed by Michelle Davies (2022).

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