ITHACA— Older adults who have already retired or are close to it, along with their family members and caregivers, are invited to a workshop that will challenge them to examine the personal values that will shape their retirement years, from 1:00 to 3:00pm on Tuesday, June 25, in the BorgWarner Community Room East at Tompkins County Public Library.
Part of the Library’s Ask a Professional series, “Thoughtful Retirement: Envisioning and Realizing an Intentional Future” will focus on identifying non-financial retirement goals and planning how to achieve them. Participants will examine their personal values as they relate to retirement, identify and repurpose existing skill sets for post-retirement work, and develop a flexible plan to meet changing needs and interests, while being responsive to changing life events. This workshop will be led by Katherine Chiang and Deb Schmidle, recently retired academic librarians with extensive backgrounds in management and leadership. Using the expertise and knowledge they have in the areas of change management, strategic planning, and goal attainment, Chiang and Schmidle have developed a framework to help others achieve a meaningful, productive, and fulfilling retirement. No registration is necessary for this free event.
Funding for this program is provided by the Finger Lakes Library System. For more information about this program or the Ask a Professional series, contact Information and Learning Services at 607 272-4557, ext 260 or