Tompkins County Public Library seeks curators for its 2020 art exhibit program. Four curated art exhibits on the theme of “Myth” will take place in 2020. Proposals must be submitted in pdf format to by August 23, 2019. The Art Exhibit Committee of TCPL will review proposals and respond by August 30. There may be an interview before a decision is made, no later than September 13. Curators are invited to present exhibits that address the theme of Myth in thought-provoking ways. The word “myth” has two basic definitions: a traditional story that explains a natural or social phenomenon sometimes involving imaginary or supernatural beings, or a widely held but false belief or idea. Myths can explain origins, but they can also be a barrier to true understanding. Curators are invited to propose shows featuring art that centers on one or more definitions of “myth.” The art can ask and/or answer questions such as: Who is creating this myth, listening to it, and telling it? Is it fantastical or rooted in reality? Is it a story that’s been told about someone or something that is untrue? How has the perpetuation of myth shaped the evolution of a person, place, or community? For more information about dates, exhibit space, expectations, proposal guidelines, and space specifications, go or contact
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