The Tompkins County Legislature will hold its annual Community Budget Forum on Wednesday, October 2, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
The public information meeting on the budget will be held at County Legislature Chambers, located on the second floor of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 E. Court Street, Ithaca
County residents are invited to attend to learn about the 2020 recommended County budget presented by County Administrator Jason Molino and to discuss their opinions with legislators. Legislators acting as an Expanded Budget Committee have been examining the proposed budget this month, hearing presentations from County departments and agencies. The forum invites public comments before the committee considers any recommended changes to the Administrator’s budget; those voting sessions begin October 3rd.
The administrator’s $191.8 million Recommended Budget would increase the County’s property tax levy by 2.76%, (in line with the Legislature’s 2020 levy goal) and would decrease the County tax rate for the sixth consecutive year, due to a continued substantial increase in the county’s tax base. A $2 increase in the County’s Solid Waste Annual Fee is also recommended. Under the Recommended Budget, the County property tax bill (including the solid waste fee) for the owner of a median-valued $190,000 home would increase by $15.
The 2020 Recommended Budget, with schedules and other budget-related information, is posted on the budget page of the County web site at
Paper copies of the proposed budget are available for review at the County Legislature Office and at Tompkins County Administration, 125 E. Court Street (Third Floor), Ithaca.
For more information on the October 2nd Community Budget Forum, contact the Legislature Office at 274-5434 or the County Public Information Office at 274-5555.
Media contact: Michael Lane, Chair, Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committee, 607-844-8440.