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Public Hearing on 2020 Tentative Budget October 29

The County Legislature invites county residents to comment on the County’s proposed 2020 budget and five-year capital plan at a public budget hearing to be held Tuesday, October 29.

The hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m. at County Legislative Chambers, located on the second floor of the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building, 121 E. Court Street, Ithaca.   The public hearing is the official opportunity during the budget process for the public to provide input on the budget. 

The Tentative Budget, amended by the Legislature from the recommended spending plan presented by County Administrator Jason Molino, would increase the County tax levy by 2.75%.  The recommended tax rate of $6.31 per thousand is down by 10 cents from 2018, representing an increase of $12.69 in the tax bill for the median-valued $190,000 home.  A $2 increase in the County’s annual Solid Waste Fee, to $60, is also recommended.  The recommended tax levy increase falls below Tompkins County’s State-calculated 2020 Tax Cap.

The 2020 Recommended Budget and the amendments adopted by the Legislature may be found online at the budget page of the County website at Paper copies of the budget are available at the County Legislature office and at County Administration, 125 E. Court Street, Ithaca.

The Legislature’s final budget adoption vote is scheduled November 7.

Contact:  Martha Robertson, Chair of the Legislature, 607-274-5434 or 607-592-3119; Michael Lane, Chair, Budget, Capital and Personnel Committee, 607-844-8440.


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