The popular writers’ program, word, revisited, will continue the Fall 2019 season on Thursday, September 26. This bimonthly, community program is the product of a vibrant partnership among the Cayuga Museum, aaduna, the online poetry journal, and Olive Trees, a locally-produced literary ‘zine.’
word, revisited takes place on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the intimate space of the Carriage House Theater behind the Cayuga Museum. Each evening’s program includes both a featured speaker and an open mic session. The next featured writer will be Slam Champion Dionna Vereen.
In her work, Vereen tends to curiously explore the intrinsic sensuality, physicality, and musicality within language (and outside of it). She is also fascinated with the transactional relationships between language, the human body & the human condition. These pieces specifically delve into concepts such as the power of attentiveness in language, care for fellow humans, the power of the individual’s voice, the effect of society’s images on our children of color, and the deeply sensual, rhythmic, and luminescent spheres of language and love.
Doors will open at 5:30 pm for open mic sign-up; speakers begin at 6:00, followed by an open mic session. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are available. $3 donation is asked with all proceeds going to the Cayuga Museum to continue their work. Word, revisited is held in the Carriage House Theater behind the Cayuga Museum, at 203 Genesee Street, Auburn.