ITHACA—Tompkins County Public Library is pleased to offer a workshop on the essentials of cybersecurity, Tuesday, October 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, in the Library’s Digital Lab. October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and with that in mind, TCPL offers this workshop on cybersecurity essentials. Participants in the workshop will learn the fundamentals needed to understand today’s security challenges and the cyber-attack landscape and how to minimize security risks. Individuals will learn practical tips for protecting personal and organizational data, along with being introduced to the most common attacks currently in use by cyber-criminals. Participants will come away with tools for protecting themselves from compromise. This workshop will be led by Kyle Szuta, an IT Security Engineer at Cornell University. As a member of the security operations team, he works to secure IT infrastructure, respond to security incidents, and raise awareness on how to stay safe online. He holds the CISSP, GPEN, and GCIH certifications and has been working in IT for the last eight years. This program is free and open to the public. For more information, or to inquire about accommodations for full and comfortable participant engagement, contact Information and Learning Services at 607 272-4557, extension 260, or email the Digital Librarian Tom at
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