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The YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County Announces New Board of Directors

Writer: WVBR NewsWVBR News

The YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County is proud to announce the appointment of four outstanding members of the Tompkins County community as new board members for 2020: Christopher Kusznir, Candace Maxian, Christopher Mott and Vicki Taylor Brous.

Christopher Kusznir is a NYS licensed real estate broker at Key Brokers. He is the son of two first-generation immigrants from the Dominican Republic and Poland. He loves Ithaca for its diversity and warm embrace of civic engagement. He has worked as a business professional in the Ithaca-Tompkins area since 2005. Christopher serves on the Commons Advisory Board and the Commons Client Committee. He currently provides oversight for his three businesses while pursuing his career in real estate. He is a loving father and ambitious entrepreneur with experience in real estate, business start-up, management, sales, insurance, marketing and fundraising.

Candace Maxian is the Associate Director for External Relations, Public Engagement & Corporate Class Projects at Cornell SC Johnson College of Business. Candace is in her 12th year at Cornell and has founded the partnership between Cornell SC Johnson College of Business and the City of Ithaca, providing a free professional development series for the City of Ithaca, Tompkins County and non-profit employees. Using her MBA skills, she obtains real-life business challenges for MBAs and business undergraduates, providing students the ability to apply their classroom knowledge in the workplace. Candace and her husband, Mark, own a 50-acre horse farm. During her spare time, you can find her riding her horse, Izzi, with her daughter, Aly, or watching her younger daughter, Jax, compete nationally.

Christopher Mott is a CPA at Sciarabba Walker. He joined Sciarabba Walker in 2011 and has been there for 8 years. He is currently the head of the audit department, specializing in governmental and non-profit audits. In his free time Christopher enjoys playing golf.

Vicki Taylor Brous is the owner of Flair Strategic Communications. She has 20+ years of experience working in events and marketing, including at the Downtown Ithaca Alliance, the Ithaca Festival, in production and operations for Farm Aid, and in various positions from local to international non-profit organizations. Vicki started Brous Consulting in 2013, now Ithaca Flair, to provide assistance to businesses and nonprofits in the areas of marketing, business development, and public relations. Vicki is Australian, married to Gregar Brous, and has a great dog, Jagger.

Frank Towner, CEO of the YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County is delighted to have them on board and is excited for what's to come this year.


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