The Tompkins County Legislature Tuesday (10/29) invited comment on the County’s 2020 Tentative Budget and the 2020-2024 Capital Program, but received no public comments about the budget package.
Only one person attended the hearing.
Laura Krauss, of Danby, a member of Leadership Tompkins, told legislators she was there to observe, as someone who is interested in getting more people engaged with their local government.
The Tentative Budget is County Administrator Jason Molino’s Recommended Budget, as amended by the Legislature. The proposed 2020 budget would increase the County tax levy 2.75%. The recommended tax rate of $6.31 per thousand is down by 10 cents from 2019, representing an increase of $12.69 in the tax bill for the median-valued $190,000 home. A $2 increase in the County’s annual Solid Waste Fee, to $60, is also recommended. The amended budget’s recommended levy increase is below Tompkins County’s State-calculated 2020 Tax Cap of close to 5.41%.
The Legislature can further amend the budget before final passage. The adoption vote is scheduled at the Legislature’s next meeting on Thursday, November 7, which begins at 5:30 p.m. at Legislature Chambers, located at the Governor Daniel D. Tompkins Building (second floor), 121 E. Court Street, Ithaca.
The Administrator’s Recommended Budget, all amendments to the Recommended Budget, and other information regarding the 2020 budget process, are available for review online at the County website at